17 June 2011

Embedded collar wounding pets

A Tempe couple found two dogs wandering an alley in Tempe with collars tightly fit around their neck that could become embedded into their skin.

Shannon Blizzard, Director of Operations for the Arizona Animal Welfare League and Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said puppies can grow quickly, their collars can become tight for them and "if the collar is not loosened to keep pace with the dog's size, it can literally grow into the skin causing excruciating pain."

28 February 2011

How to deal with your dog's bad breath

It's a problem every dog owner encounters at some point -- bad doggy breath.

Dr. Claudia Channing with Arizona Animal Welfare League ran down some solutions for 3TV's Scott Pasmore.

While dental care for your dog will eventually require a vet visit, there are some things you can do to keep your dog's teeth as clean as possible.

According to Channing, a finger brush is a good option if your dog will tolerate it. Chew toys and hard treats can also be beneficial. She also suggest frozen soup bones, but cautioned that these require close supervision on your part.
